Power Coaching through acrostics

Ella Blaga
Oct 26, 2020

Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Playing with words, questions in meaningful ways.

Inspiration through words.

Creating novelty.

Using my imagination.


Nurturing a safe space.


Living fully.


I love playing with words through acrostics and I use them for my coaching practice, too.

An acrostic is a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words. (Oxford dictionary)

If you want to experience the power of acrostics in coaching, send me a message at cor@innerpreneur.ro and I am sure we’ll have an inspiring and productive dialogue.

Now, it is your turn: create an acrostic for your first name and share it with two friends / colleagues. Then, ask them to create an acrostic for your name. What are your findings based on this playful exercise?

Serious art is born from serious play.

Julia Cameron



Ella Blaga

founder and CEO of INNERPRENEUR S.R.L., a boutique consulting firm based in Bucharest, Romania that facilitates healthy growth of people and organizations.